Shifting into Autumn

Wishing you a joyful September. Here are some recent captures as seen on my ‘personal’ Instagram account @whisper_in_the_wood (deep into the veins of foraging, herbalism and homesteading). The name of this account has undergone several iterations, but I think I’ve finally chosen one that resonates best with me (at least for now). I certainly do continue to enjoy the freedom and large-format option of posting here on my website’s blog, even though blogs seem to be taking a backseat to other social media platforms (most notably Instagram). If you desire more frequent connection and sharing than what is found here on my blog, know that I do make daily-ish posts on my ‘everyday’ IG account. In addition to this somewhat informal IG account, I have a another one that features my purely iPhone art @susantuttle.

An excerpt from my recent @whisper_in_the_wood Instagram post

When the kids go back to school and the autumnal air sets in here in Maine, I begin to shift, noticeably. I miss them and feel a layer of sadness inside, coupled with enjoying the freedom of having time to myself for work and play. Bittersweet, indeed. A ‘mama bear, nurturing and comfort provider’ side of me comes to the forefront, and I get this strong desire to make soup and bread.

My morning and afternoon hours are becoming a mix of working on creating a new online course and making food and herbal “medicine.” As soon as the kiddos got on the bus this morning, I made a potato kale and zucchini soup with vegetables from our garden and a fresh loaf of beer and cheese bread to go with it.

My homemade firecider was ready, so I strained out the plant matter and bottled it up. It is the most delicious immune tonic I’ve ever tasted. Yummy straight from the bottle. I also plan to use some to make a salad dressing.

I made a nettle herbal infusion and I am brewing tea for another batch of kombucha. There’s tinctures and oils that are ready for straining, lined up on the countertop.

As I work and look out the window, I feel akin with the chipmunks and squirrels that are gathering nuts for winter. #harvesttime #autumn #shifting

What kinds of things do you like to do as you shift into autumn?