I am in love with this stand of trees near the river’s edge. The undulating layers of boughs climb high into the sky. I must lean my head all the way back to find their tippy tops.
- Would you like to take an online workshop with me? I’d be delighted to share some fun, fresh photo-editing tips and techniques with you in Photoplay!
- Hot off the press: my Artist Profile at Create Mixed Media, F+W Media, Inc.
- I’m completely blown away and thrilled to have my iPhoneography piece, they crowd me with their light, included in iPhoneOgenic — The Best of 2012 ON IPHo! — 60 works were chosen from a collection of over 45,000 images. Many thanks to Edi Caves, the founder of iPhoneOgenic, for all he does to promote the ever-growing and evolving mobile art movement. Take a minute to check out the gallery of winners — very inspiring work.
Thank you for stopping by — always nice to have you! XO