I took this photograph of my daughter’s sculpture a few days ago on the rocky shores of Maine, at Fort Williams Park. I must print it out and tack it to my bathroom mirror, to see and take in each day. It will be the perfect reminder for me over the next eight months; a reminder to maintain balance in my life. And that’s because I just began working on my next book! Even though it’s book #4 the excitement I have inside feels as strong and fresh as ever– I’m working hard for you Lovelies!:) I’ll share a few details — that it will be published by North Light Books/F+W Media in the summer of 2014 and that the subject matter focuses on rock climbing and hang gliding. Gotcha! Nope — just kidding! I am doing the book, that part is real, but the subject matter is photography and iPhoneography! — not a surprise.:) — although I imagine the process of writing a book can be similar to each of these sports.:) I will divulge more details about the book as we get closer to the release date. I’ve decided to stay committed to posting on my blog regularly during the duration of writing the book, but it may look a little different. I love the DIY aspect of my blog, but those types of posts will take a bit of a backseat to my photography and iPhoneography posts for the time being. I’m not going anywhere, so please visit often.:) And, may I share with you some more photos of our day at Fort Williams?…
My Latest Online Workshop Offering and Other News:
- Join me for a brand new online Photoshop workshop!: REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN for my brand new 3 week online workshop LIGHT: Creative Light-Filled Photoshop Techniques Uncovered. You can CLICK HERE for the workshop description, visual samples from the workshop, testimonials from past students, and registration information.
- Head on over to Maddie Mulvaney’s blog to enter to win a copy of my book Photo Craft, co-authored with the fabulous Christy Hydeck!
- Pam Carriker’s latest book, Creating Art at the Speed of Life: 30 Days of Mixed-Media Exploration, is now available for pre-order. I am thrilled to be a contributor to the book and am looking forward to getting a copy myself. I know it will be filled to the brim with lots of artistic inspiration and creativity!
- If you like alternative forms of photography (holga, pinhole, plastic, vintage, instant, and cell phone) and will be in the Tucson area sometime from April 27th. through the summer, you might be interested in checking out the 5th. Annual Curious Camera Event, held at ArtsEye Gallery in Tucson, Arizona. I am honored to have a recent iPhoneography work of mine included in the show.
Okie Dokie Smokie, that’s it for now. Thank you for stopping by Lovelies! XO