I’ve been away from my blog for a stretch, and that is because over the past several months my friend and talented mobile artist extraordinaire, Nicki Fitz-Gerald, and I have been hard at work constructing a brand new online mobile art course… one brimming with engaging content and inspirational projects. The course, which is truly a labor of love, is dedicated to teaching you how to make captivating painterly and collage-styled digital art with a powerful, artistic tool… the iColorama app. Check out the trailer I made for you, giving you a taste of the course.
And now… we are ready (and super thrilled) to share it with you!…
iColorama Creative :: with Susan Tuttle and Nicki Fitz-Gerald
To celebrate the release of this class, we’re making it available to you at HALF OFF, though only until midnight Sunday, December 31st., Eastern Standard Time (New York time).
We’ve put SO much into this for you.
This amazing app opens up an infinite array of artistic possibilities. You’re going to master iColorama’s numerous expert tools and effects, combine images, and harness the power of manual brushwork and masking.
This new training is going to transform your creative life.
We are so excited to see where it takes you!
Go have a look…