I smile, sigh, and laugh softly to myself on this first day of Spring. The skies let go nearly a foot of snow yesterday. My daffy shoots are no longer visible, tucked beneath a fluffy, white blanket. They will be just fine, those hardy plants. The birds are chirping loudly and feasting hungrily at the feeder. I notice Mrs. Robin does seem a little bothered, as worm hunting is now a tricky business. Rather than fret over this wintry weather, I took a ‘mind-body-soul’ stimulating walk through the fairytale white woods and fields that are my home. It was beautiful. So many sparkles. It made me happy. And afterwards a strong, steaming cup of coffee in my avocado vintage mug, sipped with two purring kitties curled in my lap, warmed my body and my smile. Spring will be here shortly enough. Today I’ll enjoy the last roars of the ‘lion’ of March.
Thank you for stopping by Lovelies! Happy Spring! xo