One of my favorite places to go for a morning walk is along the river, of which there are many in these parts. If I am feeling like being rugged and adventurous, I visit a tributary of the ol’ Abby in the woods by my house. On the more laid back days I enjoy the Kennebec from its banks in town at the public park and dock. It’s especially magical this time of year at the park; the winter branches are decorated with tendrils of white, green, and red twinkling lights. Before my stroll I like to make a stop at the cafe across the street where the tattooed lady always calls me dear and makes me feel good. I buy a steaming cup of bold coffee that has a hint of coconut. The bell rings as the cafe door closes behind me and I continue along. Sipping. Walking. The coffee warms me inside and keeps my hands from stiffening in the cold. I take pleasure in these simultaneous sensations of hot and chilly. I head to the water’s edge and stand still. The deep, strong river moves slowly. I feel content, wrapped in this moment of quiet, peace, natural beauty, and a feeling of timelessness, as I watch this magnificence flow toward the bridge, framed by tiny points of quivering perfect light at the edge of my vision.
Here are 2 BOOK GIVEAWAYS going on right now!:
#1 I am hosting a GIVEAWAY of Jill K. Berry’s book, Personal Geographies: Explorations in Mixed-Media Mapmaking.
#2 My friend Seth Apter is hosting a GIVEAWAY of my latest book, Photo Craft: Creative Mixed-Media and Digital Approaches to Transforming Your Photographs (co-authored with Christy Hydeck).
…and some DIY HOLIDAY CRAFT IDEAS to help get you in the spirit:
Are you in need of some Christmas craft ideas? On Sunday my blog was featured on — Austria’s leading online news platform. They link to my 101 DIY Christmas Crafts blog post. I hope you will find something to make your creative, crafty heart sing.
XO Lovelies!