It was right around this time, two years ago that I suffered a pretty serious concussion. We ordered this beautiful Star Magnolia tree and the delivery person, who normally has a helper, did not. I offered to help. Big mistake. A seven-foot, industrial-strength metal dolly came down square on my head. I’ve recovered from most of the initial symptoms and had some wonderful therapy to help control and lesson the frequency of my resulting headaches, which I still experience to this day. The tree did not do so well last year, as the ground it was planted in was a bit too wet and clay-based. We didn’t have a single bloom. So my sweet husband dug a trench from the tree to the woods, and put in a perforated drainage pipe. That did the trick. This year it is covered in blooms! My concussion was not all for naught. I am in love with this tree! It will be marking the beginning of Spring at our home for many years to come.
A book giveaway coming soon!:
I will be having a book giveaway for Crafty Birds, a North Light Books publication that I am honored to be a contributor in! The giveaway will be up on my blog in the next couple of days.
Thanks for stopping by Lovelies. XO