Your Inner Joy

Mobile Art MasteryI’ve heard countless times, from a variety of creative types, that making art, in whatever form it happens to be, brings them contentment, fulfillment, and more so, inner joy! I’ve witnessed many artists, myself included, voice that they could not live a full, whole life without creating every day.

At the heart of creativity lies inspiration. We can find it in many places — in the work of artists we admire, in nature, through music, or a passage from a favorite poem. Sometimes that creative spark comes from within, if we are open and attentive.

I would like to provide you with an opportunity to connect with inspiration, inner joy, and creative spirit!…

My brand new online course, Mobile Art Mastery, is designed to inspire and give explicit technical guidance, to help you unearth and develop the unique master digital artist within you… the master digital artist you were always meant to be!

This course, designed for iPhone and iPad devices, is not about merely pressing a button, adding a filter, and calling it done. It’s about showing you new, clever ways to use top-notch apps, not always in ways that you would expect. You’ll also be getting a ‘fly on the wall view’ into my creative process and work flow. You’ll learn how to trust and follow your own artistic instincts while engrossed in the creative process. I’ll encourage you to have a plan for each project, as well as a willingness to veer from it, trying new things, and listening to your gut… developing the visual poet within!

If this sounds good to you, go have a look at the course details!

Important: You only have until Tuesday, May 3 at midnight to take advantage of the 55% off huge discount offer!


I look forward to connecting with you, sharing what I know, learning alongside you, and witnessing the magnificent development of your own unique, creative, masterful artistic voice! -Susan

Your creative adventure starts here!

Join Our Creative Community

Mobile Art Mastery student workmobile art created by students of Mobile Art Mastery:
Top Left: David Hayes (, Top Right: Karen S. Langlie (@moonswirl on Instagram), Bottom Left: Alexis Rotella (, Bottom Right: Trish Hoskin (

I’m reaching out to you to share some good vibes about the growing excitement and overwhelmingly positive response to my latest online course, Mobile Art Mastery. Take a look at some of the amazing student work emerging after just one week. Can you believe all of these images were created with an iPhone device? Really inspiring.

I am so struck by the enthusiastic outpouring toward the course so far and enthralled by all of the creativity that is emerging and the artistic community that is building, I just have to keep it going … so I will continue to offer the same reduced cost for the remaining week of the launch.

We would love for you to join us! … whether you are just beginning to experiment with your iPhone (or iPad) and would like explicit instruction and direction, or if you are a more seasoned digital artist looking for some new and artistic ideas to jumpstart your creativity … this course would be perfect for you.

Remember … you’ll get nearly 70 instructional videos, access to a private Facebook group that is shaping up to be a family of fun, support, and inspiration, Lifetime Access to the content, AND… tons of bonus material and free digital products to use in your own work!


Here’s what folks are saying about the course…

Thank you Susan!!! I am really enjoying your lessons!!!!! The way they are broken down into steps!!! This is definitely spurring my creative thinking!!!!!!! Thanks for offering the course – the online group is a fantastic adjunct to explore the range of creative ideas!!! -Caroline Brown

You have changed so many lives. Helping people to bring out the best in their art and finding talent they never believed they had is amazing. -Trish Hoskin

I don’t know how to express the joy I feel when I look at the fabulous and imaginative art popping up at our group every day. What an amazing and talented group! And thank you, Susan Tuttle, for gathering all these artistic souls together and leading us into wonder-filled territory! -Nancy Bardos


… so please don’t delay.

Take advantage of the extended discount and join our creative community in this artistic adventure.

Get the details and join today!

Susan XO

Live an Art-Filled Life

Mobile Art Masterydigital elements for this image from

As an artistic person, you wish to live an art-filled life, rich with beauty, inspiration, and creativity . . . but let’s face it, life can get super busy, and sometimes it feels almost impossible to carve out that much-needed creative time for yourself.
But what if I told you it didn’t have to be that way?

What if you could have it ALL … just by making a small shift in thinking and utilizing that little iPhone device right in the palm of your hand?

One of the most important things I have learned in my life is that magic is EVERYWHERE! … And in my new online course, I’m going to show you how to tap into it in your everyday life and use it to create fabulous, richly layered photo art.

Have a look! (click on this link directly below):

Mobile Art Mastery :: Developing the Visual Poet Within

Mobile Art Mastery

This course has been a labor of love six months in the making and it’s chock-full of projects, across a variety of styles. You’ll find nearly 70 video tutorials, extensive written notes and resource lists, a private Facebook group, and a ton of amazing bonus material and freebies.

Check out this short video I’ve put together for you, sharing a taste of the course…

Mobile Art Mastery

I am deeply passionate about your creative growth as a digital artist and I would love to help you become the digital art master you were always meant to be.

Hope to see you there my friend.


PS:  I’m so excited about the release of this course and would love for you to hop on board with me.  Remember that the huge 55 percent discount ends after this weekend. Don’t let this deal get away!

Get the Details and Join Today


Mobile Art Mastery