Autumn. It is the time of year when I can sense my soul at the edge of my skin, gently pushing against the envelope which is my body; She feels full, ripe, luscious; like the fruit heavy on the vine, like the vibrant leaves rich with color, which I am currently bearing witness to here in New England. It is during this season that my body and mind are most closely aligned with the growth of my soul, where I (as Susan) have worked hard and to my best ability, to realize the intended wishes and desires that were manifested by my Soul last Winter and Spring. I have arrived at a destination, alive with splendid strength, clear eyes, red blood, warm belly, tuned in senses. Harvest is a time to celebrate this labor, enjoy the fruits, throw one’s hands to the sky and dance!
I know that tranquility will soon set in, lulling me inside the winter of my soul. But it always seems to come to soon. I am in love with all that Autumn brings and would like to hold on to it a bit longer. But best to give in, let go, when the time comes. I can already feel my soul beginning to move ahead of my physical being, on the brink of another transformation, laying the grounds for the next phase. When the leaves have dropped and the earth grows hard beneath ice and snow, She will beckon me into the shadows of the dark, mysterious forest once more, where I will be invited to sit with Her by the fire, rest, be still, embrace quiet, listen deeply, reexamine, redefine, explore, and ready myself for the return of my soul’s spring. I trust that She, my soul, knows what’s best for me. That is my faith.
Until then, I will be within the autumn of my soul, celebrating. Undoubtedly, a golden place to be.
Much Love.
Deep Breath.
And, I have some mobile photography goodies for you…
** The latest issue of Mobiography, just released. I enjoyed doing an interview for this stellar mobile art publication, published by Andy Butler, and I hope you will find it to be informative and of value. I answer questions about my creative process, talk about the apps I couldn’t live without, give advice to emerging mobile artists, and more. Mobile Photography Awards winner Jian Wang is also featured; an inspiration. En-joy!
** I LOVE Tools 10, a LIVE Craftcast online event, soon to be broadcasted by one of my favorite people in the mixed-media artworld — the immensely talented Alison Lee. I look forward to being a part of this event (I’ll be demonstrating the painterly app Artista Impresso and giving you a peek into my creative workflow)! I invite you to check out the deets and register early if the content resonates with you.