Hello, hello! I hope you are doing all of the things that you love this weekend! We have just experienced a blizzard that dropped 2 1/2 feet of snow around our home — we can’t get out the front door!:) The power stayed on and we were all cozy warm in our ‘bubble’ as we watched the dreamy snowfall accumulate and whirl around in the gusty wind. I can’t wait to get out there tomorrow with camera in hand — if I can move through it that is! I’ve been a busy iPhoneography bee and have a few things to share with fellow mobile artists and those who are interested and may even be thinking of taking the plunge into mobile photography themselves…I am a firm believer in following one’s intuition when it comes to making art. Sometimes we can feel that a piece has potential, but we can’t seem to get it to go anywhere that feels right. The above (purely iPhone) photo traveled that very journey for months before it emerged into a piece that felt right to me. I call it A Perfectly Poised Ballerina Balances En Pointe When You Open This Charming Jewelry Box. It’s featured on We Are Juxt’s most recent 1000 Words/IPA Showcase — I talk about how to not give up on those works in progress that speak to you of potential, but are a struggle to realize into a finished product.
Want to attend a mobile art exhibit in NYC?…
Three of my iPhoneography pieces will be a part of the Mobile Photography Awards exhibit at the Soho Gallery for Digital Art in NYC, February 22-28, 2013. If you enjoy mobile art and are in the New York area at that time, I highly recommend a visit to the gallery — works were chosen from thousands of entries sent in from 40 different countries. I won’t be able to attend, but will be there in spirit! Congratulations to all of the artists whose work will be on exhibit at the show, and thank you to Dan Berman (founder of MPA) and all of the judges for dedicating their time and expertise to make this cutting edge event possible.
Thank you for popping in for a visit. Happy weekending to you! XO